Establishing a new healthcare consulting firm


Healthcare Professionals Group


Market Research, Business Development, Service Modelling


United Arab Emirates
Establishing a new healthcare consulting firm

The Challenge

A group of medical professionals with over 20 years of experience were interested in shifting their careers to explore new potential avenues for their professional growth.

The Results


Market Opportunities


Services & Revenue Streams


Business Strategy


Customer Acquisition Tactics
Beginning with a discovery session, we delved into the background, challenges and aspirations behind the clients’ motivation to make a change. We then facilitated professional mapping to define strengths and prioritize fields based on the client expertise and commercial demand. After choosing two possible directions, we conducted market research to determine the healthcare consulting industry’s driving trends, types of consumers, competitor analysis and business planning recommendations. Moving forward, we designed a roadmap to establish the clients’ new brand positioning, identified their existing resources and new market opportunities to be leveraged as niche offerings. Finally, we developed customer segments, business model, consulting service packages, client acquisition activities, company profile and a business proposal template.