Tasneem Alsultan
Business development for award-winning photographer


Tasneem Alsultan


Business Development, Customer Acquisition, Scaling & Growth


USA - Saudi Arabia
Business development for award-winning photographer

The Challenge

Tasneem Alsultan is an American-Saudi award winning documentary photographer with over 8 years of international experience. Tasneem reached a point in her trajectory where she needed to structure and grow her business in a different direction.

The Results


Brand Growth Strategy


Services & Revenue Streams


Business Proposals


Followers (Social Media Optimization)
We began with an evaluation of Tasneem’s business performance, current offerings, portfolio, online presence and types of customers. Afterwards, we conducted market research to determine Tasneem's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats against 60+ regional and international competitors. From there, we developed a new brand positioning, revenue streams and service packages, customer segments, marketing and social media strategy as well as website SEO optimization. We also designed a new company profile and three business proposals for photography and art projects targeting different organizations. Finally we created a growth plan to help Tasneem scale the business for the next 3 years using key performance indicators based on Tasneem's vision and strategic goals.